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Institute of Public Finance

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Education and Income Inequality in Turkey: Does Schooling Matter?

Anil Duman, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

The paper examines the link between educational variables and income inequality in Turkey. First, I evaluate the impact of educational level, then I move on to assess educational inequality and finally I consider educational spending by public and private sectors. I argue that due to the limited public spending on primary and secondary education and growing private spending, the spread between socio-economic groups will not be decreased significantly.

Keywords:  inequality of income, education, public spending

Year:  2008   |   Volume:  32   |   Issue:  3   |   Pages:  369 - 385

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 March, 2008
III / 2008
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757
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